Development of Simple Temperature Heating Station of D8 X-ray Diffractometer
投稿时间:2013-04-08  修订日期:2013-05-03
中文关键词:  X射线衍射  加热台  变温测试  TiO2  电解质
英文关键词:X-ray diffraction  heating stage  variable temperature test  TiO2  electrolyte
汪大海 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院, 湖北 武汉 430072 
高远鹏 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院, 湖北 武汉 430072 
罗欢 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所, 湖北 武汉 430071 
摘要点击次数: 1070
全文下载次数: 42
      成功研制的简易变温加热台,在不更换D8X射线衍射仪的附件情况下,能快速方便的安装在衍射仪上,进行X射线衍射原位变温测试,满足了从室温至600℃的原位变温X射线衍射测试需求.更换附件时间从2~3天缩短至30 min即可进行变温X射线衍射测试,提高了测试效率.同时,节省了购买同类变温加热台近20万元的资金.
      A simples, variable temperature heating unit has been successfully developed,which be quickly and easily installed on the X-ray diffractometer,without any replacement of D8 X-ray diffractometer attachment cases. In situ variable temperature X-ray diffraction test,meeting the demand from room temperature to 600℃ in-situ temperature X-ray diffraction test can be carried out, shortening the time of replacement of the attachment from 2~3 days to 30 min. The test efficiency is improve. A fund of nearly 20 million has been saved from the purchase of a similar variable temperature heating device.
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