The Research on the Analysis of Common Hypnotic Sedative Drugs in Blood by GC/MS with SPE
投稿时间:2008-10-08  修订日期:2008-11-14
中文关键词:  固相萃取,气相色谱/质谱联用仪,安眠镇静类药物
英文关键词:SPE,GC/MS,hypnotic sedative drugs
孙红雷 山东省泰安市公安局刑警支队山东 泰安 271000 
李文海 山东省泰安市公安局刑警支队山东 泰安 271000 
摘要点击次数: 1125
全文下载次数: 190
      研究了不同固相萃取柱、洗脱剂、洗脱剂用量和缓冲液用量对血液中13种镇静类药物和2种内标物的回收率的影响,建立了常见安眠镇静类药物(包括酸性、碱性、中性)的快速、准确、系统的分析方法.结果表明采用Oasis HLB cartridge固相萃取柱,加入2 mL磷酸盐缓冲液,用3 mL氯仿作为洗脱剂时的回收率较好.该方法具有操作简便快捷,回收率高、重现性好、提取物干净等特点,可用于安眠镇静药物的提取检验.
      Using the new technology of the sample pre-treatment SPE and AMDIS to establish a simple and fast method to extract and analyse common hypnoticsedative drugs (including acidity, alkalescence and litmusless). Comparing OasisHLB cartridge、C18 and C2 three categorys SPE column to extract simultaneity 13 sedative drugs and 2 internal standards in the blood, and the effect on covery by different eluant, different eluant quantities different PBS quantities. The covery of Oasis HLB cartridge were over 83% for the most of drugs;chloroform were most effectly eluant by 3 mL and 2 mL PBS were optimal quantities. The method had the characteristic of simple and quick operation,high recovery, good repeatability and clean extract, It can be applied to the cases of determinating hypnotic sedative drugs in the blood.
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