4, 5-二溴苯基荧光酮光度法测定微量钯
Determination of Trace Palladium by Spectrophotometric Method with 4, 5-Dibromophenylfluorone
投稿时间:2004-04-16  修订日期:2004-07-21
中文关键词:  4,5-二溴苯基荧光酮  分光光度法  
英文关键词:4,5-dibromophenylfluorone  spectrophotometry  Palladium
陈文宾 淮海工学院化学工程系, 江苏, 连云港, 222005 
徐国想 淮海工学院化学工程系, 江苏, 连云港, 222005 
张娟 淮海工学院化学工程系, 江苏, 连云港, 222005 
周洪英 淮海工学院化学工程系, 江苏, 连云港, 222005 
摘要点击次数: 754
全文下载次数: 1
      The color reaction of the reagent DBPF with Pd(Ⅱ) in the presence of SLS was studied. Results show that the new color reagent reacts with Pd(Ⅱ) to form a stable yellow complex(1:4)in the presence of SLS at pH 6.3 of HAc-NaAc buffer. The maximum absorption wavelength and apparent molar absorptivity are 376 nm and 1.06×105 L/(mol·cm) respectively. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 0~12 μg/10 mL Pd(Ⅱ). The method has been applied to the determination of trace palladium (Ⅱ) in palladium catalyst and mineral samples with satisfactory results.
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